
The basic schedule consists of a random tracks from the 3+ days worth of material so you ought not to hear the same track more than a couple of times a week. The auto DJ also is told not to play the same artist or song in succession – but it makes mistakes.

We are gradually introducing themed slots. The first of these is “Cornish Cream” which features only Cornwall based bands and singers (except brass bands and choirs who will get their own slot in due course). This alternates daily between 9am and 6pm Monday to Saturday.

Sundays at 6pm we feature new music on Wreckers Radio. This is then repeated in a shorter form each day at shifting times.

Here is a view of the Schedule as it currently stands

Over the coming months we are gradually going to be introducing a schedule of themed hours and half hours interspersed with the random selection. The intention is to have themed programmes rotating at different times each day of the week – but we’ll see how it evolves.

If you have a suggestion for a theme to include in the rotation, ideally with examples of tracks that might be included then drop us a line or use the contact form.